Lace Bouquet richly decorated
Lace Bouquet richly decorated


Regular price: $49.25

Lowest price: $49.25
Wedding lace, stripe decorated with ivory remnant, coupon 80 cm
Wedding lace, stripe decorated with ivory remnant, coupon 80 cm


Regular price: $49.75

Lowest price: $39.80
Lace richly decorated with gray and beige
Lace richly decorated with gray and beige


Regular price: $48.75

Lowest price: $39.00
Gray lace decorated with COUPON
Gray lace decorated with COUPON


Regular price: $34.75

Lowest price: $34.75
Gold-pink lace
Gold-pink lace


Regular price: $34.75

Lowest price: $34.75
Decorated violet lace, fabric remnant, 90 cm coupon
Decorated violet lace, fabric remnant, 90 cm coupon


Regular price: $33.50

Lowest price: $33.50
Lace three colors coupon 60 cm
Lace three colors coupon 60 cm


Regular price: $22.25

Lowest price: $22.25

How to buy?


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    set up a shop account (by completing the registration form) and place an order,
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We enable our customers to make payments in the following ways:

Instant transfer or credit card payment via PayPal

The total cost of the order is increased by the shipping costs of the selected supplier.



At the Buyer's request, we attach a VAT invoice to the shipment with the order. The willingness to receive an invoice should be confirmed in the order form - in the "Order details" section and provide the invoice details. If you have any doubts regarding your order, please contact us at


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