Dark dirty pink lace
Dark dirty pink lace


Regular price: $72.25

Lowest price: $72.25
Wedding lace, boho geometric with 3D elements
Wedding lace, boho geometric with 3D elements


Regular price: $47.25

Lowest price: $47.25
Lace with golden motifs on nude beige
Lace with golden motifs on nude beige


Regular price: $37.25

Lowest price: $33.53
Lace gold leaves on beige remnant 60 cm
Lace gold leaves on beige remnant 60 cm


Regular price: $27.50

Lowest price: $27.50
Lace black and gold sequins on a nude mesh
Lace black and gold sequins on a nude mesh


Regular price: $31.25

Lowest price: $31.25
Lace 3D black and gold flowers decorated
Lace 3D black and gold flowers decorated


Regular price: $41.75

Lowest price: $41.75

Sea fauna guipure lace

Availability: 7.4
Dispatched within: 24 hours
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Price: $49.25 49.25
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Rating: 0
Vendor: Qronka.pl
Product code: WS2
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Koronka  z motywem morskiej fauny. Koronka obustronnie wykończona jednak niesymetryczna. Prosze zwrócic uwage, że np ośmiornice są zwrocone w jedna strone. Tkanina miękka i lekko sie układa. Doskonale nadaje sie na aplikacje i dodatkowe zdobienia.  Idealna na letnia sukienkę, tunikę, bluzkę, spódnice.

Szerokość tkaniny  ok. 130cm

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